Becoming Familiar with Dynamics 365

If you want to become more familiar with Dynamics 365, my suggestion would be to download a trial version of the product. This can be found here.

Dynamics is moving at a fast pace and it’s important to keep up-to-date with the latest features and functionalities.

If your company doesn’t support Dynamics 365, I would definitely recommend downloading the trial version, especially if you wish to purse a career in this area.

Worth noting, the trial edition may not contain all features a full edition would, but remember, it is a trial and it’s just as beneficial for exposure to Dynamics 365.

Advanced Find CRM Dynamics 2016 – Share Option (Where is it?)

Just a quick ‘good to know’ in case anyone thought the share functionality was removed from Advanced Find!

So, in Dynamics 2013, when selecting a personal view under Saved Views, you see the share option:

However, in Dynamics 2016, you don’t:

Well, so I thought.

This is because in Dynamics 2013, by default, the Advanced Find stays on the ‘Saved Views’ tab, which gives you the options to share, run workflow and assign views etc. In Dynamics 2016, it doesn’t default to this tab and stays on the current tab (Advanced Find), so you’ll have to click on the ‘Saved Views’ tab to see these options.


So thankfully, the share option hasn’t been removed!