Changing Ownership of Email Templates

For whatever reason, you may need to change the ownership of an Email template – most likely due to security reasons. First and foremost, there isn’t a way you can directly assign ownership of a template (if there is, please inform me!) – which means you’ll have to create a Workflow in order to assign the ownership of the Email Template.


Assigning Workflow

As you can see I’ve created a Workflow to assign the template to ‘Scott Beaumont’ (me!) – assigning a record to someone will make that person the owner of the record. I’ve created this to be a on-demand Workflow so I can call the Workflow on demand, rather than wait for an event to occur.

Advanced Find:


I’ve created this Advanced Find so I can see the Templates as well as the Owner of these Templates. The Owner column wasn’t present by default, so I selected Edit Columns and added the Owner column to the view. (There were other columns present by default, but I removed these as it wasn’t needed for this example).

As you can see, I’ve selected the templates which I want to change the ownership of, selected Run Workflow and as you can see, the Workflow I created is here – run the workflow.


Once completed, you’ll see the ownership of the Templates have changed successfully:

change of ownership